Burger U located on UCF campus. We handed out a ton of cool merch and gave away a bunch of yummy free burgers. Users met up with their dates and got a free bite to eat!
Puppies and Profiles. We brought in some cute dogs and hung out with users and helped fixed up their Tinder dating profiles.
This was actually one of our first on-campus events. We gave out free donuts and during this event we tried to get students passing by to sign up for Tinder. We ended up recruiting about 125 new users.

We handed out free pizza to users who showed their profile for national pizza day. We called the event "Single Slice"

This was the Tinder Swipe-Off event. We had a huge turn out and came close to winning the contest to have Juice Wrld perform at our campus.

This was my team I worked with during my time at Tinder. (Me, Joseph, and Alexa)

An awesome custom ice luge we ordered representing Tinder University!